# Japan Rabbit Project

Based on Vue Enterprise Boilerplate

This project contains the source code required for Japan Rabbit. Note that <root>/shared-frontend also contains some code used by this project.

  • Production frontend endpoint: https://app.japanrabbit.com
  • Staging frontend endpoint: https://app-staging.japanrabbit.com

The project consists of the following pieces:

  • Frontend SPA made with Vue.js deployed to Netlify's CDN.
  • JavaScript functions deployed to GCP Cloud Functions.
  • GraphQL API using Hasura and Apollo Client.
  • Google Cloud Platform for Database, Storage, Logging, etc.
  • A set of third party APIs for authentication, mailing, analytics, etc.

Frontend <> Hasura <> DB/APIs

Deployments run when pushing to master or production branches. You can skip deploy on commit by adding this to your commit message --skip-ci.

# Docs

See development docs or the deployed version at https://japanrabbit-docs.netlify.app. Password is jr.docs.42.

Note that <root>/adr directory contains global ADRs for every project in this monorepo. These ADRs will be prepended to ./docs/adr in the docs site.

# How to use the docs

If you are new to the project, reading every section in order will help to create an idea of how the project is structured and what technologies are used.

Use the ADR section as an index for business logic desisions and for detailed information about why specific things work they way they do.

Use Troubleshooting section to try to find errors or misconfigurations.

In FAQ you can find a list of in-app "howtos" like changing user email, etc.

Last updated: 6/26/2020, 9:59:26 AM